
Tips For De-Identifying Private Health Information


If you are the manager of a hospital, then you are going to want to be absolutely sure that you are able to keep the data of all of your patients safe. Their health information is confidential to only them and the doctors that they are willing to share it with. One main way to keep private health information private is to make sure that you de-identify it. This involves removing any identifying features of the private health information before transmitting it over a channel that is potentially insecure.

9 May 2016

5 Tips About Home Security


Home security is something you want to take seriously when you are a home owner. No matter where you live, there is always the chance that your home could fall victim to a criminal looking to burglarize an unsuspecting and not-so-protected household. This article will offer you 5 tips on ways you can decrease your chances of your home being victimized by a burglar. 1: Don't flash your keys in public

3 May 2016

Home Security: Your Most Important Job


One of the most important things you can do for your family is to make sure you provide them with a safe home that's properly protected from intruders. There are a lot of things you can do, and make sure you don't do, that will help you to create that safer space for your family. Here is how to turn your house into a haven where your family can live knowing there is less chance of being victimized by criminals.

29 April 2016

Security Tips For Your Next Event


Hosting a public event can be a great way to bring in more business to your retail or restaurant establishment. Live concerts or shows, parking lot festivals, or group contests can all draw a crowd. Unfortunately, a few people misbehaving can lead to problems, including theft or injuries. For this reason, it's important to also plan in advance for security during the event. The following tips can help. Tip #1: Gate It Off

22 April 2016

A Simple Way To Stabilize Your UTV In Its Trailer


You love your UTV and hauling it everywhere in its trailer. However, you have noticed it often slides around in the trailer as you drive and you're worried that this will cause it severe damage. Never fear: it's possible to stabilize your UTV in its trailer and prevent it from getting damaged in any way. Measuring Installation Areas The first step in this process is to measure the area where you're going to install your stability items.

22 April 2016

Tips For Ensuring Summertime Retail Property Safety


With the approach of the summer season, shoppers are likely to be out in greater numbers as they enjoy the warmer weather and the longer days. As the owner or manager of a shopping center, this is a key time to be proactive about your property security. For the safety of everyone on your property, here are some tips to help you enhance security. Focus on Lighting During routine property patrols, your security staff should be instructed to check the condition of all of the lighting on the property.

21 April 2016

Looking For A Safe To Protect Your Valuables? Consider These Options


If you are in the market for a new safe, you will be surprised at all of the different options there are available. To help you choose the right safe, you have to think about where you are going to put the safe and how large it needs to be. Once you know these two things, it can make the buying process easier. Take a look at the different types of safes below.

10 February 2016

Why You Need Live Security Systems After Business Hours


According to statistics from the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR), there are millions of theft-related crimes that take place in the U.S. each year. Although data show that such crimes are declining, they still remain a big issue in the retail industry. This is because the products that are stolen easily amount to millions of dollars in losses for retailers. What's even more important to note is the fact that these crimes occur despite the prevalent use of security systems in malls during business hours.

9 March 2015