Improving Business Security

After our company headquarters was robbed for the fifth time, I decided we needed to do a little better at bolstering security. Instead of relying on a few measly cameras and a security guard that was distracted most of the time, we installed a state-of-the-art security system and focused on eliminating inherent security threats. It took a lot of work, but after a few weeks we could tell that our efforts were really helping. We were able to thwart a potential robbery, which made me feel better about the investment. Check out this blog for more ideas on improving your business security.

Four Things You May Be Doing With Your Business Safe That Render It Useless


If you own a small business, you probably have a safe to house valuables, like cash and sensitive documents. Using a safe at work, however, is a little more complicated than having one in the home. Here are three things you may be doing by mistake that make your safe virtually useless.

Not Updating Your Safe

While you may be able to get away with using the same combination for your home safe for many years, your business safe should probably have the combination changed regularly. If it's been years since you altered the combination, it's probably time for a modification.

Other times you may want to modify your safe include

  • when an employee has resigned or been terminated (new combination)
  • after an attempted or successful break-in (new combination)
  • when you need to partition the interior for better organization
  • when you have multiple users (you may be able to use digital codes that give every user a different combination and provide security reports to you)

Not Locating Your Safe Properly

You probably know to keep your safe away from windows or where passersby can see it. But did you know you should never place your safe along a wall shared with your building's exterior or another business? The wall could be cut through and your safe removed from the outside.

Making Your Safe Too Portable

A small safe that sits inside a nightstand or study drawer may be fine for home use to keep petty cash and medications away from kids. However, a business safe should never be portable. You want a safe that is very heavy to lift, and it should be bolted to the floor or installed in such a way that makes it difficult for burglars to make off with it.

Not Maintaining Your Safe

Your safe is made of moving parts, just like a clock or car engine, and needs to be maintained periodically to keep it operating properly. Since business safes typically get used more often than home safes, you'll want to do it more frequently (your manufacturer can suggest a maintenance schedule for you).

Each time you open your safe, dirt and grime can enter the small notches on the perimeter of the wheels inside the lock. This can cause your safe to freeze up, meaning you can't open or lock it properly. Ultimately, you'll have to have it drilled open and repaired or replaced completely, which is far more expensive than regular maintenance.

These are the signs that you are already past due for safe maintenance:

  • The safe is hard to open.
  • You hear or feel loose, jingling parts.
  • The lock makes clicking noises.
  • The combination is stiff to dial.

Don't wait until it's too late. Contact your safe manufacturer or a safe maintenance company near you and protect the investment that protects an even larger investment--your business.

For more information, contact a local company like A-AAA Locksmiths, LLC.


8 June 2016